Archive for March 2013

my week 20130324

March 24, 2013

This week …

Another week as a slave to the man
I’m good at what I do but, I’m tired of doing it
so thankful I can still earn a living this way after 35 years
studying to find and master what might be next

My kids are all young adults now
students in college, just beginning, nearing graduation
thankful, hard working, giving, thoughtful, mature, responsible
dreams, fear, adjustments, big worlds

My sweet bride still loves me
cares for me
sleeps beside me
beautiful, loving, trusted, dependable, committed, patient, graceful

I am so thankful to be free
reminded of people who struggle to live
so many are born under evil rule and absent hope
I assume employment, open worship, health, mobility, prosperity

I whined, debated, complained, regretted
stocks refused to cooperate, companies disappointed, strangers offended
they should-of, could-of, might-of, would-of
first world worries, just not fair

sweet friends blessed
young friends with little feet, loving moms, ambitious dads
I was inspired, needed, helped, thanked, tested
friends I can touch, may never see again, voices & faces missed

a colleague surrendered this week
the man just no longer paid enough to endure
she is so happy now, but fearful I’m sure
free to seek, unsure, sad and celebrating

time to prepare to go again
thankful I can work, wishing I didn’t need to, thankful for my job
hoping to be a better father, more loving mate, more giving friend
looking for another chance to change the world, doubting I will

* inspired by *
Go now…
You are forgiven.